Geological Mapping

See below the geological mapping projects available on this website.

Espinhaço Project

Set of 23 geological maps, printed in color on a scale of 1:100,000, elaborated by the Geosciences Institute of UFMG in convention with SEME/COMIG. The project began in 1994 and mapped the sheets Araçuaí, Baldim, Botumirim, Capelinha, Carbonita, Conceição do Mato Dentro, Curimataí, Diamantina, Francisco Sá, Grão Mogol, Guanhães, Itacambira, Janaúba, Jenipapo, Malacacheta, Minas Novas, Padre Carvalho, Presidente Kubitschek, Rio Pardo de Minas, Rio Vermelho, Salinas, São Sebastião do Maranhão and Serro.

East Project

Set of 29 geological maps, printed in color on a of 1:1,000,000. The Project, already concluded, was made possible through a convention between the Minas Gerais State Government (through the Secretariat of Economic Development and COMIG) and the Federal Government by means of CPRM – the Brazilian Geological Survey, to which the responsibility for execution was given and technical/administrative management. The areas mapped are: Águas Formosas, Ataléia, Cândido Sales, Caratinga, Carlos Chagas, Conselheiro Pena, Cordeiros, Coronel Fabriciano, Curral de Dentro, Dom Cavati, Ecoporanga, Encruzilhada, Governador Valadares, Ipanema, Ipatinga, Itabirinha, Itambacuri, Itanhomi, Itarantim, Jacinto, Mantena, Marilac, Mucuri, Nanuque, Novo Cruzeiro, Padre Paraíso, Santa Maria do Suaçuí, Santo Antônio do Jacinto and Teófilo Otoni.

São Francisco Project

Module I of the project was concluded, executed through a convention between the ex-State Secretariat of Mines and Energy – SEME, Companhia Mineradora de Minas Gerais _ COMIG and the Brazilian Geological Survey – CPRM. There are four geological maps on a scale of 1:250,000 of the pages of São Romão, João Pinheiro, Três Marias e Bom Despacho, and 13 geological maps 1:100.000 das folhas Serra da Ilha, Urucuia, São Romão, Serra do Boqueirão, Bonfinópolis de Minas, Santa Fé, Bocaina, Canabrava, Serra do Jatobá, João Pinheiro, Rio do Sono, Chapadão dos Gerais and Dores do Indaiá.

Southern Minas Project

Set of 13 geological maps, printed in color on a scale of 1:100,000, elaborated by COMIG and UFMG with the intervenience of SEME, SEMAD and FUNDEP. The sheets are: Andrelândia, Caxambu, Chiador, Juiz de Fora, Lavras, Leopoldina, Muriaé, Pirapetinga, Pouso Alto, Rio Preto, Santa Rita do Jacutinga, São João Del Rei and Ubá.

The Iron Bearing Region

The project Geology of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero – Integration and Cartographic Correction in SIG cartographically corrects the available geology for the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. It is the result of a mapping project by a convention with the United States Geological Survey – USGS/National Department of Mineral Production – DNPM (1952-1969) and integrates the geological mapping of the DNPM/Mineral Resource Research Company – CPRM (1992-1996). The final product of this work is, therefore, a SIG of the integrated geological of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, from the maps on a scale of 1:25,000 of the USGS/DNPM and DNPM/CPRM.

This product is available in DVD form, containing all the SIG in shp format, as well as an explanatory note and archives in pdf format of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, subdivided into blocks on a scale of 1:50,000. These blocks follow the articulation 1:50,000 of IBGE. Executed by: Codemig, State Government, UFMG.

Support: Adimb, CPBM, Geo Gerais, MBR, Roots Rock, São Bento Mineração S.A. and CVRD.

Alto Paranaíba Project

Set of 9 geological maps  on a scale of 1:100.000, elaborated  in convention with  CODEMIG/UFMG conducted by the staff of the Centro de Pesquisa Professor Manoel Teixeira da Costa (CPMTC) IGC. The sheets are: Campos Altos, Carmo do Paranaíba, Luz, Morada Nova de Minas, Presidente Olegário, São Gotardo, Serra das Almas, Serra Selada e Três Marias.

North of Minas

Set of 9 geological maps  on a scale of 1:100.000, elaborated  in convention with  CODEMIG/UFMG conducted by the staff of the Centro de Pesquisa Professor Manoel Teixeira da Costa (CPMTC) IGC. The sheets available are:  Barreiro da Jaíba, Capitão Enéas,Brasília de Minas, Ubaí, Coração de Jesus, Ibiaí, Pirapora, Várzea da Palma e Chapadão dos Gerais.

Fronteiras de Minas

Set of 32 geological maps  on a scale of 1:100.000, elaborated  in convention with  CODEMIG/UFMG conducted by the staff of the Centro de Pesquisa Professor Manoel Teixeira da Costa (CPMTC) IGC. The available sheets are:  Angical, Araxá, Buritis, Cabeceiras – Formosa, Caldas – Poços de Caldas, Catolé, Córrego Invernada – Lagoa do Formoso, Damianópolis – Lagoa Grande, Espinosa, Extrema, Formiga, Gameleiras, Guaxupé, Ibiá, Januária, Japoré, Manga – Carinhanha, Mata do Jaíba, Montalvânia, Mortugaba, Nova Resende, Ouro Fino – Andradas, Porto Cajueiro, Rio Acari, Rio Piratinga, Rio Verde Pequeno, São Francisco, São João da Ponte, São Joaquim, Serra Bonita, Serra dos Tropeiros – Rio Itaguari, e Vargem Bonita. A total of 82.600 square kilometers were surveyed.

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Geological Mapping

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